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Please view our Curriculum Galleries below.

30 Hours Provision
30hrs are settled and engaged in their new environment. We have been exploring both the forest school area and the church hall. We’ve hunted for fairies and trolls and been on adventures on the minibus. We’ve roasted marshmallows to make s’mores and been den building in the woods. We have had lots of fun and can’t wait to see what next term brings! 🌲🏕️
N1 children have been busy exploring their new classroom and getting to know their new keyworkers and friends. 
The N2 children had a fantastic time visiting Lower Drayton Farm. From feeding and stroking the animals, whizzing down the wavy slide, going on the big red bus, writing letters, making reindeer food and even meeting santa.
This half term the children have been exploring Nursery and becoming more confident to separate from the parents/carers.