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Please view our Curriculum Galleries below.


30 Hour Provision 
So far this year our themes have been…

· Transient/ Outdoor Art

· Fairies/ Fantasy

· Nature/ Woodland Animals

· Camping/ Dens

· Black History Week



We have completed lots of trips out already this term, visiting The Gruffalo trail at Cannock Chase, William Wheat & Sons Garden Centre Fairy trail, Hayhead Farm shop, Hollybush Garden Centre and Soft-play.
We celebrated Black History Month this October with some weekly activities. We have been learning about the rich and diverse history, culture and contributions influential people. Some of our activities have been based on famous people like Muhammed Ali, Martin Luther King Jr, Rosa Parks, Nelson Mandela, Bob Marley, Alma Thomas and Aaron Douglas.
The children have been busy exploring their new classroom and building relationships with their peers and new keyworkers.
Its fun to play when you are 2 in our fabulous learning environment