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Government Funding

We aim to:


  • Provide high quality, full-time education in a safe environment, for children aged 3-4 years


  • Provide suitably qualified and experienced staff


  • Work in partnership with parents/carers


  • Make Sandbank and Valley Nursery Schools 30 Hour Offer an enjoyable place to be


The 30 Hour offer is a non-profit making organisation and offered by the Government and is committed to equal opportunities, both in provision for the children and in its staffing policy.




Eligible Children are entitled to 30 hours per week Government Funded sessions. 


A charge of £15.00 per week (£3 per day) will be required on a Monday for the lunch time provision whilst using this entitlement (8.30am - 3.30pm).  

You do not pay in the event of illness, staff training etc. 


Morning Session 8:30am – 11:30am


Lunchtime (Packed Lunch Required)  11:30am – 12:30pm £3.00 per day


Afternoon Session  12:30pm – 3:30pm


  • Fees must be paid on a Monday of each week for all 30 Hour provision.


  • You need to provide your child with a packed lunch daily if you are using the lunch time provision. 


  • If you do NOT want lunch time provision for your child you must collect your child at 11.30am and return your child at 12.30pm for the afternoon session. 


  • Children will NOT be able to stay in this provision if you do not provide a valid code, validate it every three months and payment is not received.


  • Late payments may result in losing your lunchtime place.




  • Parents who are late to collect their child will be charged £5:00 for each 15 mins to cover increased staffing costs.



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