Our Vision
The staff and governors of the Sandbank and Valley Nursery Schools Federation are ambitious for all. Our moral purpose is to:
Create a safe, secure and stimulating environment so children can stay safe, be happy and healthy.
Enable children to make choices and grow in independence.
Encourage children to grow in confidence and self-esteem.
Provide quality teaching and learning opportunities which enable children to enjoy and achieve.
Develop respect, co-operation and positive relationships between children, parents, staff and the wider community.
Support parents and carers in their role as educator and value their contribution to lifelong learning.
Offer experiences of the wider world beyond their local community.
Respond to the individual needs of children and families and to promote inclusivity.
Create genuine partnerships between school, parents and agencies in the interest of the individual child.
Promote mutual respect and trust and celebrate equality and diversity.
Raise aspirations for children, families, staff and the wider community.