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Early Years Pupil Premium

Early Years Pupil Premium is extra funding to support children’s learning, development and care. It is paid for those pupils who would qualify for free school meals at a rate of £342.00 per child.

In 2022-2023 the following children were in receipt of Early Years Pupil Premium.


The Federation has received the following in the academic year 2022-23

Sandbank Nursery School:
Autumn 2022
Spring 2023
Summer 2023
Valley Nursery School:
Autumn 2022
Spring 2023
Summer 2023
Barriers to Academic Achievement

Many of our children come in to Nursery with low speech, language and communication skills. High deprivation can impact on children’s personal, social and emotional development and children’s dispositions for learning are not yet fully established. Children come in to our 2-year olds provision and nursery working below age related expectations.


How is the additional funding used?

The additional funding is used to improve the quality of early years’ education for the children who are eligible. The funding allows us to fund a member of staff to work with our eligible children with specialised support programmes such as Talk Boost which is a programme to support language development. It also allows us to provide a small nurture group and it allows us to maintain high adult-child staffing ratios across school.

EYPP Strategy September 2022 to July 2023

Full days​

EYPP children are offered additional sessions wherever possible in order to enhance attainment. Staff have collected and dropped off key children and offered a flexible timetable in order to ensure that the opportunities for EYPP children to attend school are maximised.

One to one support

A number of EYPP children receive one to one support with clearly identified assess, plan, do, review targets in place. They have individual work baskets and small group circle times with high level support.

Small group support

Some EYPP children work in language and intervention groups in order to enhance their learning. They have a group programme and are then integrated into larger groups for continuous provision. Intervention groups enable children’s progress to accelerate.



School purchased a minibus in order to enhance the children’s experiences outside of school. We appointed a driver to enable our named staff drivers to be available to the children. During the last academic year we visited Lower Drayton Farm, Walsall arboretum, Oak Tree farm, Little Aston Park, Cannock chase, Fairy Land Garden Centre, Sandwell Valley, Alpaca Farm, Walsall Art gallery and Waterstones book shop. Most of these visits were funded by school. 


The impact of these visits has been evidenced in children’s learning in the classroom.

SEND children have been on visits with the support of their 1 to 1 adult.

The impact of these experiences on children has been immense.


Additional Support

Additional Support is provided for children in specific disadvantaged circumstances. The funding allows us the flexibility to provide additional sessions, offer lunches, collect and take children home and in some cases offer children an all-day place in nursery.

Children’s wellbeing

Children’s personal, social and emotional development in key to academic success. More than ever children need to feel safe, secure and have a sense of belonging. Opportunities for one to one work for children who are disadvantaged are in place with activity specific to individual children. Additional support enables them to transition to becoming confident learners.

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